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TomKat Looks Good

Many people are surprised by this picture of TomKat looking unusually uncreepy.

It's a rather nice photo. I would congratulate the photographer, who managed to make Tom Cruise slightly less creepy. But it turns out Tom used his Scientology powers to alter the world around him, making all the color in the world disappear.

Katie's really blissfully happy in this photo, but why does Tom look like he wants to take a bite out of Katie's neck? Is that the final step in her transformation into a obedient Scientologist? RUN CLAUDIA RUN!!!

Comments (2)


Okay, can we stop talking about Tom and Katie because it is getting old? I know that we think Tom is weird because of his Scientology dealie, but somethings really got uninteresting really fast.


Someone is cranky today!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2006 9:35 PM.

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