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AT&T Wireless / Cingular Changing Names Again!

Sure enough, it finally happened. When Cingular bought AT&T Wireless, they converted all their old AT&T Wireless users to Cingular. But, as it turns out, Cingular's parent company SBC ended up merging with AT&T. (Really buying them but adopting the AT&T name.) Now they've decided to change the name of their cell phone service, Cingular. The new name will be... AT&T Wireless!

So, Cingular wants me (and many others) to transition my AT&T account to a new Cingular one. They're different, you see. I'm an old busted phone plan, though it seems to work fine for me! To access my account, for example, there's a special place (not easily found, necessarily) on the Cingular website for "former AT&T Wireless customers." Now, what will it say?

"Former AT&T Wireless Customers, Click Here. No, not you, the other ones."


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