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Help Me Figure Out Who These People Are

Can you help name these bands for me, please?

I really would like to know. I can win some tickets to one of these people, though frankly I might not want to, given that I don't know who they are.

UPDATE: The girl at the top left is Raven-Symone. (Thank you my lovely wife.) The guy at the bottom left is Roy Clark, from HEE HAW! I should have remembered that, and eventually did, so I can only thank myself.

But I don't know anyone else. Who are the homos on the bottom right, and what are they doing with one of the BeeGees?

UPDATE 2: Okay, my parents figured out the country guy in the middle is Trace Adkins. He sings the Honky Tonk Badonkadonk. Cool, I'll go see him if I win, cause I don't know anybody else. So we've got the guy from Hee Haw, the girl from the Cosby Show, and Trace Adkins. Who else? Who is the guy on the top right. He looks like the singer/songwriter type. And who are the guys at the bottom right. They look like one of those loser Coldplay wannabes. For all I know they ARE Coldplay. I don't know!

UPDATE 3: The guy on the top right is Kenny Loggins. It was bugging me and I finally figured it out. Now, anyone for the gay guys down at the bottom right?

UPDATED 5/6/06: We only need the band in the bottom right for a chance to win! Does anybody know who it is? I've never seen them before in my life!

UPDATE 5: Okay, well, the contest is over and the bands have been announced. The mystery band? Jars of Clay. Who I not only have seen before, but I actually went to a concert where they were playing. Errr... oops!

Comments (3)


Is the guy in the middle with the hat Trace Adkins?

See page


It is Trace.


Well, I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

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