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HUGE News!

Well, we have HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE news for everyone. Huge news around here could only mean a few things.

1) Jennifer is pregnant.
2) Michael got a job.
3) We got another cat.

So which one is it?




I got a job, of course! Finally!

That is all.

Comments (6)


Everyone at work is excited for you and congratulate you. I even mentioned you in my speech to the parents at Round-up today. My morning group applauded you. I am excited for you but mostly to help you feel good about yourself. You are so capable of great things. You always have been. I am a proud mom. :)


Good job, March. Hopefully, things will turn around now. I know you have been through a tough time applying for job after job but you finally got there.

Good luck!!!


No baby?????

Good job March. Everyone at my school is excited for you too. Many people have been routing for you...I was excited to tell them the good news!!!


Way to go! I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor.

Jennifer, Jennifer...that Jennifer Aniston?


How was your first day March?


Congrats buddy, hope it all works out! I just quit my job and am now unemployed. :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 25, 2006 12:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Milky Way!.

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