I kind of got the chills when I saw this video.
Less chilling is this amateur video of the event. They couldn't have used a tripod?!
Sad sad sad.
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I kind of got the chills when I saw this video.
Less chilling is this amateur video of the event. They couldn't have used a tripod?!
Sad sad sad.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2006 11:42 AM.
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The next post in this blog is I Spy: Someone In a Viper GTS.
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Comments (1)
Oregon has lost on its landmarks. I remember when we drove to Grandma's, we would pass by it. It is sad to see it go.
There goes another famous Steven's Landmark. The other one is the Topless Steak Restaurant. They seemed to close it for some certain reason.
As for the call, what the guy should have said was the Line from Trekkies "This is the worst possible time to call. Go away."
And true, a tripod would have helped with the shakiness of the video.
Goodbye Trojan, I will always remember your gray structure. You will be missed (well not by everyone) in Oregon.
Posted by Cerberus | May 21, 2006 12:40 PM
Posted on May 21, 2006 12:40