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I Spy: A Lambo and a Ferrari

Last night in Woodinville there was absolutely no parking at the local Quiznos. Now, nobody was actually going to Quiznos, they were all going to the fancy wine place next door. That's why their cars were so nice. Parked right next to each other, and in a no parking area at that, were a bright yellow Gallardo and a Ferrari Something-Or-Other. I can't ever tell them apart. They're nice cars though, and they've still a that special something that makes you say "Woah!" They're not like Porsches. Those things are like Hondas around here.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2006 4:50 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I Spy: $2.99 Gas, and a Busted Lotus.

The next post in this blog is I Spy: The Nutcracker's Beard.

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