The big news in Seattle today is that the Seattle Supersonics, as well as the WNBA Seattle Storm, have been purchased by a group of investors from Oklahoma City.
Of course, the new owners claim they do not intend to move the team. That makes total sense. A group of investors from a completely different city (one hosting the New Orleans Hornets but without a permanent basketball team) have purchased a basketball team 1500 miles away. Does it seem likely that they are buying it for the sole purpose of moving it?
77% of Seattle Times readers think so. I get that this is a sensitive issue for some, but investor groups who lie to people like this ought to be publically flogged. Why not just buy the team and say "we're moving it." Instead you create false hope.
In a town with crumbling freeways, a school district in crisis, and two brand new shiny stadiums (not to mention a recently renovated area for the Sonics), we just don't have our heart in building a whole new facility. Bye Sonics. We probably won't miss you all that much.
UPDATE: Now that I think about it, what kind of person invests in a basketball team? You're talking about an investment that can't succeed unless the government spends lots and lots of money every 15 to 20 years for a new facility. The only reason you own a sports team is civic pride. That's why Paul Allen owns the Seahawks. That's why Nintendo owns the Mariners. These are very expensive toys for the very, very rich.
The only reason you buy a sports team thousands of miles away is to move it. There is absolutely no interest in securing a proper facility here. The deals have probably already all been made.
Comments (2)
i have some friends in OKC who tell me that the whole city has gone nuts over the hornets. on the other hand i went to several sonics games (back in 99, so the team was average) and the building was dead.
Posted by armyrn13
July 23, 2006 6:01 PM
Posted on July 23, 2006 18:01
The problem is that even when the Sonics are GREAT they still do horribly in the playoffs. Furthermore, it's hard to spend a few hundred dollars on a basketball game when you can spend a lot less money on a lot better entertainment elsewhere in the city. I think basketball might be more of a blue collar sport than baseball, and Seattle is no longer a blue collar town.
I haven't been to a Sonics game since the early 90s.
Posted by tuxmelvin
July 24, 2006 1:24 PM
Posted on July 24, 2006 13:24