Well, if you haven't heard by now, I am no longer employed by possibly the worst run company I have ever encountered. I resigned yesterday. My projects were near completion, and given the mood of the couple that owns the company, it was becoming clearer that as they pushed me to complete said projects I was coming nearer and nearer to a point where they would ask me to leave. I really did try to make things work, but there's only so much childish behavior you can put up with. I was the second member of my team to leave in the last two days, and there are more to come. As one co-worker said, I'll land on my feet. The sad thing is I really, really enjoyed the work, and I enjoyed my co-workers. I've made great friends and great connections. I just wish the company was in a better position to keep employees. Maybe someday, if the company gets sold, I'll return. I really would like that. And I hope to work with my previous co-workers again someday!
So, the job search begins anew!
Comments (1)
I'm sorry to hear that buddy. I actually just finished my first week at my new job - clerking at a Construction Defect firm with automatic hiring as an associate if I pass the bar. Good look on the job search, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Posted by AD | March 31, 2007 4:52 PM
Posted on March 31, 2007 16:52