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Newish Jewish Man Wants Tween Circumcised

A man from Olympia who recently converted to Judaism has decided that his 12 year old son should now be circumcised.

According to the Seattle Times:

A divorced Olympia-area man who has converted to Judaism is fighting a court battle in Oregon to have his 12-year-old son circumcised against his ex-wife's wishes.

So far, Oregon courts have squarely sided with the father, who has custody. The man's ex-wife lives in Oregon.

So what does the boy want?

In court papers, the father claims the boy gradually concluded that he also wanted to convert to Judaism and understood that it required circumcision....

But the mother responded by going to court, saying her son told her he was afraid to defy his father but didn't want the procedure.

Now, I'm all for circumcision. I think it's great, and a great time to do it is not too long after birth. You know what a bad time to do it is? When you're TWELVE YEARS OLD!!! If this kid really wants to get circumcised, great. Let him make that choice when he's 18. Geesh.

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