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Arizona Has Their Own Caped Crusader

A masked man has taken to the nighttime streets near Phoenix, Arizona. Citizen Prime patrols the streets in his Nissan Xterra and a $4000 homemade super-suit! Armed with an arsenal of non-lethal weapons, Citizen Prime heads to crime-prone areas to deliver his own unique kind of justice. For example, one time he used his cell phone to alert police to a potential drunk driver. Another time, he stopped to help someone fix a flat tire.

Seriously, you have to check this one out.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2007 2:21 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Movie Review: The Perfect Stranger.

The next post in this blog is To Protect and Serve... Themselves III: NJ Cops Threaten Radio Talkers Who Exposed Ticket Campaign .

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