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Security Guards Rescue Kitten

One kitten considers two rent-a-cops heroes today, after they saved a kitten from certain death at the hands of a demented, twisted, hell-bound couple.

Two security guards in Texas rescued a flea-bitten kitten from an unpleasant death on the railroad tracks at the hands of a young couple.

John Hernandez and Jacob Salinas told The San Antonio Express-News they spotted the couple with the kitten early Thursday. After the couple left, Hernandez and Salinas said they found the kitten with its hind legs tied to the tracks....

The guards attempted to chase down the couple, but were threatened when the couple retrieved a gun out of their trunk. Mr. Hernandez has taken the kitty in, and local police are looking for the couple.

Quick quiz: What fate should fall upon this young, depraved couple.

A) Jail time, community service, and a hefty fine
B) Finding themselves with their legs tied to railroad tracks
C) Being eaten to death by hungry lions

Ha ha ha. Trick question! The answer is B THEN C!

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