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To Protect and Serve... Themselves IV: Texas Cop Doesn't Care About Dogs.

Oh boy.

A San Marcos, Texas, police officer has been accused of inappropriate behavior during a traffic stop which may have lead to a dog's death.

Officer Paul Stephens spotted driver Michael Gonzalez speeding down Interstate 35 and pulled him over for clocking 100 miles per hour....

Gonzalez and his girlfriend said they were speeding because they were rushing their choking teacup poodle Missy to an emergency veterinary clinic for treatment....

"You're driving down the highway at 100 per hour," he said sternly. "It's a dog, it's OK. You can get another one. Relax"

Gonzalez had to wait fifteen minutes on the side of the road, during which their dog died. Stephens was found not guilty of misconduct.

So, I'm curious. What would Mr. Stephens do if HIS dog was dying. Would he hop in his patrol car and drive 100MPH down the freeway to the vet?

P.S. I asked the San Marcos police chief this very question. I also noted that Mr. Stephen's actions, and his superiors inactions, are the reason police are no longer portrayed as Joe Friday, and are instead represented by Chief Wiggum and Lt. Jim Dangle.

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