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Harbor Fire Boat Fail

Jennifer and I went to Lowes as we do every year to buy her something from the Carole Towne collection. This year she bought an enchanting fire boat. It's so cute!

Something we didn't notice when we bought it is that it requires three AA batteries. It's very fine print on the box. It is also "AC Adaptable" which means you can get an adapter but it doesn't come with one. No matter. We have plenty of batteries to feed the hungry Wii remotes.

The wire leads to a switch to turn the lights on and off.

The only problem is I could not figure out for the life of me where to put the batteries. I thought maybe there was a secret opening up top. But no, none that I can find.

The bottom is the logical place, but it's covered up by this glued on cushion.

The battery cover couldn't possibly be under there. But after a few days, I finally gave up and pulled it off. It's the only other possible option.

Absolutely amazing. I can't believe it. This is one of the worst engineered products I've ever seen. Note, the cover is actually glued on. I had to remove the glue and pry it open.

What!? There's no place to put batteries! There's absolutely NO place to put batteries anywhere! I don't understand! This is the worst product I have ever purchased!!!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 14, 2008 6:14 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Credit Where Credit is Due: Kind to Kitties Cop.

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