My Rainier used to be so cute!
This was only like six months ago!
But then something changed. Rainy got grumpy. He got big boyos. He started attacking everything possible. We can't use toilet paper. We can't hang things on the wall. We can't even hang things up by the ceiling.
He goes where he shouldn't go. He does whatever he wants. And when you try to scold him, he either looks abused, or he talks back to you. He sits there and talks back to you, like he's saying "I'll just wait till you look away." He's an awful, awful kitty.
What a horrible child!
Who is this mystery woman?
Reports are Rainy walked in on the two in bed.
(For comparison)
There are three groups of people coming to marchdecember. The first group is comprised of my friends and family, who are looking for the latest news in our lives. The second group is comprised of Dan Lewis, who is mostly interested in looking at his hair. The third group, and this is by far the largest group, is comprised of people looking for pictures of Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Unfortunately, photos of Aslan have long slid off the front page. But I am, once again, offering the opportunity to look at these photos. But I do ask ONE thing of you in return.
I will show you the pictures of Aslan, but I request that you PLEASE leave a comment on this page..
You don't have to leave your e-mail, not even a name if you don't want, just type in "thanks for the pics" or "you are cool" or "what a waste of time" or "don't tell me what to do" or whatever. So without further ado...
So now post a comment. Anything. You're totally anonymous. Anything you want. It doesn't even have to be related. I just would like to see a little life around here. Come on... just do it now!
I drew Fluff with my new tablet. What do you think?
It's Fluff!!!
Pictures from Jennifer's phone.
I haven't put any good new pictures up for like ever. Here's an assortment of neat picture recently uploaded to our Flickr.
This page contains an archive of all entries posted to marchdecember in the Photo Gallery category. They are listed from oldest to newest.
Of a Personal Nature is the previous category.
Potpourri for $400 is the next category.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.