The anchors from KOMO TV 4 met up with us little people down at Third Place Books on Saturday night. (So no, I wasn't really chillin' with Dan.) They answered questions, shook hands, signed autographs, and dealt with their grateful (and sometimes bizarre) fans.
They took questions from the audience, and I asked what their most embarassing on-air moment was. The best may have been Kathi Goertzen, who many years ago was referring to the Ford/Carter Presidential Debate. Unfortunately, on air she referred to it as "Cord/Farter." Oops.
Some of the fans there must really be into KOMO, because they knew everything. Someone congratulated Todd Johnson on his twins. I spent a few minutes talking to him about Cliff Mass. I think Cliff told my class that Todd was the best weather guy in town, but I wasn't 100% sure on that, so I didn't say anything about it.
Other people wanted to complain. You could see that some of the things they said maybe caught the KOMO crew a little off guard. Geesh. Get a life people.
Mike Dardis is a morning anchor for KOMO, and he showed up a bit late. He did tell us to go out and have a good time, so we headed out to Dick's in the U District afterwards.
We were even interviewed by a freelance reporter for Journal Newspapers. I'm not certain we were the best interview... she asked why we had come. I could tell a lot of people had come from all over the region to see their favorite anchors. But Third Place is just down the street from us, so we basically came because we had nothing better to do. Still, the KOMO gang is probably the only anchors we would go see. For some reason they are more approachable, more like a member of the family that you let in the living room every night.
There weren't a lot of people there, so every one was very accessible and very friendly. For some reason Eric Johnson and Connie Thompson seemed to be very popular. Connie Thompson is tiny! She does the midday news.
Now, I have to admit something. I didn't say this there obviously, but for a long time I've been a KING 5 kind of viewer. But Jennifer loves KOMO, so that's the news we watch the most. They are pretty cool, especially now that we met them. I was pretty impressed by almost all of the news crew.
Most of all I was impressed by the anchors willingness to answer questions and to respond to complaints. These people are anchors for a major news station in a major market. Their newscast was recently voted the Best Newscast in America. They didn't have to bother with us, but they were very approachable and very friendly.
They had a news camera there, so watch KOMO 4 News tonight to see if you see us in the audience or anything!
Here's some pictures I took of the event.

Here's the KOMO gang. Left to right: Eric Johnson, Steve Pool, Kathi Goertzen, Dan Lewis, Connie Thompson, Denise Whitaker, and Todd Johnson.

Here Connie Thompson was doing a magical vanishing trick. (She bent down to put something on the floor... water?)

Dan Lewis... did he move in between these shots? Or is he frozen in time?

Jennifer thought Kathi Goertzen was very pretty, but she disappeared before I could convince Jennifer to get a picture with her!

Dan Lewis signing someone's autograph. Dan told me he was surprised there wasn't more discussion of his hair. He does have the most amazing hair and has for as long as I can remember.
We had a good time! Fun was had by all.